Government Registration
Trademark Registration
A trademark is basically a “brand” or “logo” that you use to distinguish your product from those of your competitors. In simple words, a trademark is something that gives a special identity to your service, product or business...Read More
LOGO Registration
Logo is associated with the identity of the brand so it can be covered under trademark. Also, it makes the brand unique and therefore can be protected under the Copyright Act as well...Read More
Digital Signature Certificate
A digital signature that certifies the identity of a company or individual. The way a person signs in front, it acts on a piece of paper. The only difference is that it is used in documents sent over the Internet...Read More
MSME Registration
The full form of MSME is Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, to promote small industries in the country and to help them financially, the Government of India has formed the Ministry of Micro,...Read More